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Having traded successfully for many years as a broad-based consultancy, Frank Ray & Associates/Consulting closed its doors in 2023 in order to specialise in software requirements exclusively.

All software requirements services are now delivered through Better Software UK.

Don’t change Scrum

What’s your favourite quote from Jeff Sutherland’s The Scrum Papers? Mine is:

One common mistake made, when presented with a Scrum practice that is challenging, is to change Scrum. For example, Teams that have trouble delivering on their Sprint commitment might decide to make the Sprint duration extendable, so it never runs out of time โ€“ and in the process, ensure it never has to learn how to do a better job of estimating and managing its time. In this way, without coaching and the support of an experienced Scrum Master, organizations can mutate Scrum into just a mirror image of its own weaknesses and dysfunction, and undermine the real benefit that Scrum offers: Making visible the good and the bad, and giving the organization the choice of elevating itself to a higher level.

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Frank Ray Consulting. Software requirements for agile development teams, particularly remote, outsourced and offshore development teams working in financial services.

Get in touch if you need our help

Woking, Surrey, GU22, United Kingdom