You can go around suing people

“You can’t go around suing people” was a cack-handed remark someone once left on a post of mine. I didn’t agree at the time, and I don’t agree now. But I would reword it to “You shouldn’t go around suing people without good cause” (but also, you should consider suing a person if you do have good cause). That sounds better.

Here in the UK, we’re lucky to have disability as one of 9 ‘protected characteristics’ covered by discrimination law (Equality Act 2010). I’ve even used this act to claim against a primary school for the unlawful exclusion of a disabled SEND child. Similar protections are afforded to disability discrimination in the workplace.

Initiating a claim, whilst onerous on the paperwork, is nothing more than filling in a form. First-tier tribunals are available for the everyday person to raise grievances and seek legal remedies. I recommend advocating for yourself, and for the benefit of others, to the full extent the law affords. It’s your legal right and you should not hesitate to do so, if you ever need.

Frank Ray Consulting. Software requirements for agile development teams, particularly remote, outsourced and offshore development teams working in financial services.

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